Software makes managing your team easier

22 November 2023

It is likely that you opened your own salon because you love the craft of hairdressing and making people feel good. Unfortunately, as a salon owner you can sometimes get bogged down with administrative duties. Managing your salon team on top of running a busy column yourself and the day to day running of your salon is no mean feat. Even though you love it, it can be really challenging. iSalon Software has lots of different functionalities to make your salon life easier. Let us look at how we can help you.

When looking at your diary, scheduling days off can be tricky. With iSalon you can enter multiple dates that your salon will be closed in one go. Your online booking will automatically be updated. Schedules for different team members can also be a challenge that many salon owners must face. With schedules changing on different days of the week for different staff this can be tricky to navigate. That is why with iSalon you can set the rostering shift end date up to 2 years in advance.

In the scenario of a team member leaving your salon there are several things to consider and put into place to manage their clients following their departure. Therefore, we introduced the ‘End Date’ feature. Making it simple to enter your team members last day with you in the salon. A warning will then be shown to confirm if you want to create a booking after that date if it is attempted with that team member. This helps you avoid the awkward scenario of rearranging client appointments after a team member has left the salon.

Lastly when your team are all in the salon with their correct shifts in place and all holidays taken care of, you are going to want to monitor their performance across all aspects of the business. iSalon Software allows you to track the percentage of clients that had colour services as well as sales KPI’s and repeat bookings. Head into your team one-to-one meetings equipped with all the evidence on team performances that you need. Making your life a whole lot easier.

In addition to assisting, you in maintaining your team’s performance, they can keep track of this themselves. With MiSalon your team can have access to their own performance records. Meaning they can check where they currently are against their retail or rebooking targets. They can request time off and manage their own performance, making your work life much easier to balance.

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